Pesten: visie en aanpak van leerkrachten basisonderwijs. Heuvelman, D.E.; Buis, E.P.; Gotink, L.E.; Adigüzel, S.

The attitudes, routines and the behavior of teachers and school directors are contextual factors that form a possible influence on peer victimization. With this exploratory study, twelve elementary school teachers were interviewed in-depth about their views and practices on bullying and victimization. Second, the way these teachers approach peer victimization is examined. These interviews were used for qualitative data-analysis. We have found that teachers define bullying behavior as structural and deliberately. Different results were found in explaining being a bully. Most teachers had a realistic idea about the consequences for victims of bullying, but probably underestimate the consequences for the bullies. Furthermore, it appeared that teachers say they make more use of their personal approach than the approach that is prescribed in the school policy. The teachers are more satisfied about their personal approach. They wish to receive new information about bullying and to have a suitable method in the school policy.